Xingyi, Five Element Strikes

Training Form & Intent

Xingyi, Five Element Strikes Xingyi, Five Element Strikes Xingyi, Five Element... East Mountain
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Five Element Strikes & Linking Routine Overview

What you will learn?

Five Element Strikes, Part 1
Xingyi Pi Quan - Chop Free class!

This class covers the first Xingyi technique: Pi Quan or Chop. This is a downward strike combined with an upward intecept.

Additionally, we go through a warm up and conditioning sequence, including footwork drills to develop Xingyi's launching power.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes & Linking Routine Overview Free class!

This reference video allows you to review the Pi Quan - Chop and to preview the rest of the course material.

Use this video to practice the Chop at a typical speed, paying attention to footwork as well as hand technique. Follow along for the other four techniques and the routine to familiarize yourself with the material.

Classroom content
Xingyi Zuan Quan - Drill

This lesson covers the second technique, Zuan Quan or Drill. This is a upward strike combined with a downward covering block.

This lesson also includes a warm up and conditioning sequence that builds on the last lesson.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes & Liking Routine Overview

This reference video allows you to review the Zuan Quan - Drill and to preview the rest of the course material.

Use this video to practice the Chop and the Drill at a typical speed, paying attention to footwork as well as hand technique. Follow along for the other three techniques and the routine to familiarize yourself with the material.


Classroom content
Xingyi Beng Quan - Drive

This lesson covers the third strike, the Beng Quan or Drive. This is midline, forward strike that can be done with either front or back timed footwork.

The warm up and condition for this lesson includes the short stance footwork used for this technique.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes & Linking Routine Overview

This reference video allows you to review the 1st three strikes and to preview the rest of the course material.

Use this video to practice the Chop, Drill & Drive at a typical speed, paying attention to footwork as well as hand technique. Follow along for the remaining techniques and the routine to familiarize yourself with the material.

Classroom content
Optional Assignment: Submit video for feed back

 Make a recording of yourself performing the 1st three strikes, Pi Quan, Zuan Quan & Beng Quan.

Upload the video as an unlisted/private video on,, Google Drive, or another free service. Please ensure the video can be streamed! File transfers requiring download will not be accepted.

Send me the streamable link via email: I will respond with detailed feedback as soon as I’m able.

Tips for recording video:

• Cell phones or laptops are a convenient way to record video. If using a cell phone, consider having someone film for you or use a stand. Here’s a video on how to make a phone tripod with just a paper towel roll:

• If you have an option for setting the video quality, avoid high quality (makes the file size too large). Medium or low quality settings are typically fine.
• Don’t have bright windows or other bright lights behind you. This will turn you into a silhouette. Try to position yourself so that the camera is between you and main light sources.
• Try to ensure you stay in the frame of the recording. Watch that the left and right edges of the frame don’t cut off hands or feet.
• Ideal is to position the camera so all of you, from head to feet, is recorded. But if you don’t have enough room, then please ensure that your feet, legs, torso and arms are in the picture.
• Review the video before you send it. It doesn’t need to be perfect in terms of recording or performance. Just an accurate reflection of your practice to date.

Recording your practice is an excellent way to see your progress objectively. Often students immediately see details they want to correct! It also serves as a reference point that you can return to, letting you see your improvements over time.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes, Part 2
Xingyi Pao Quan.- Cannon

This lesson covers the fourth strike, the Pao Quan or Cannon. This strike combines both defense and attack in a single move.

The warm up and condiitioning includes drills for angled step footwork.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes & Linking Routine Overview

This reference video allows you to review the four strikes covered so far and to preview the remaining course material.

Use this video to practice the Chop, Drill, Drive and Pao at speed, paying attention to footwork as well as hand technique. Follow along for the last technique and the routine to familiarize yourself with the material.

Classroom content
Xingyi Heng Quan - Crosscut

This lesson covers the last strike, Heng Quan or Crosscut. This is a drilling strike capable of either defensive shutting down of an opponent or an offensive strike that overcomes an opponent's guard.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes & Linking Routine Overview

This reference video allows you to review all five of the Five Element Strikes and prepare for the Linking Routine.

Use this video to practice the five strikes at speed, paying attention to footwork as well as hand technique. Follow along for the routine to familiarize yourself it.

Classroom content
Optional Assignment: Submit video for feed back

Make a recording of yourself performing the all of the Five Element Strikes.

Upload the video as an unlisted/private video on,, Google Drive, or another free service. Please ensure the video can be streamed! File transfers requiring download will not be accepted.

Send me the streamable link via email: I will respond with detailed feedback as soon as I’m able.

Tips for recording video:

• Cell phones are a convenient way to record video. Consider having someone film for you or use a stand. Here’s a video on how to make a phone tripod with just a paper towel roll:

• If you have an option for setting the video quality, avoid high quality (makes the file size too large). Medium or low quality settings are typically fine.
• Don’t have bright windows or other bright lights behind you. This will turn you into a silhouette. Try to position yourself so that the camera is between you and main light sources.
• Try to ensure you stay in the frame of the recording. Watch that the left and right edges of the frame don’t cut off hands or feet.
• Ideal is to position the camera so all of you, from head to feet, is recorded. But if you don’t have enough room, then please ensure that your feet, legs, torso and arms are in the picture.
• Review the video before you send it. It doesn’t need to be perfect in terms of recording or performance. Just an accurate reflection of your practice to date.

Recording your practice is an excellent way to see your progress objectively. Often students immediately see details they want to correct. It also serves as a reference point that you can return to, letting you see your improvements over time.

Classroom content
Xingyi Linking Routine
Xingyi Linking Routine

This lesson covers the Linking Routine. A short sequence that combines the Five Element Strikes.

Classroom content
Five Element Strikes & Linking Routine Overview

This reference video allows you to review the Five Element Strikes and the Linking Routine.

Congratulations on learning the five fundamental strikes and the Linking routine! Use this video to review all of the course material.

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Developing Deep Skill

This last lesson is a short talk on how to use the material we've learnt to develop "gong-fu" or deep skill.

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